Law Teaching
I supervise the Gator TeamChild Juvenile Law Clinic, where alongside my students, I represent children and teens in the foster care system. I also write about how social media impacts family life. Some of my articles are linked below. To learn more about my academic research or law teaching, please view my professional profile here.
Stacey’s research has been quoted extensively in many news outlets including NPR.
Select academic works:
Beyond Sharenting (Work in Progress) [SSRN]
Livingstone, S., Lievens, E., Graham, R., Pothong, K., Steinberg, S., Stoilova, M. (2025). Children’s Privacy in the Digital Age: US and UK Experiences and Policy Responses, in Handbook of Children and Screens (Christakis, D.A., Hale, L. (eds), Springer, Cham. 2025)
The Myth of Children’s Online Privacy Protection, 77 SMU Law Review 441 (2024) [Link]
Children Seen but Not Heard?, 66 Arizona Law Review 147 (2024) [SSRN]
Adopting Social Media in Adoption Law, 2023 Utah Law Review 447 (with Meredith Burgess and Karla Herrera) [Link]
Sharenting in an evolving digital world: Increasing online connection and consumer vulnerability, Journal of Consumer Affairs 56, no. 3 (2022): 1106-1126. (with L. Lin Ong, Alexa K. Fox, Laurel Aynne Cook, Claire Bessant, Pingping Gan, Mariea Grubbs Hoy, Emma Nottingham, & Beatriz Pereira) [Link]
The UN Committee on the Rights of the Child’s General Comment on the Digital Environment, AIoR Selected Papers of Internet Research (2022) (with Sonia Livingstone, Amanda Third, Patrick Burton, Sabine Witting, Eva Lievens, Shuli Gilutz, & David Souter [Link]
Changing Faces: Morphed Child Pornography and the First Amendment, 68 Emory Law Journal 909 (2019) [SSRN]
What Parents Should Share: Child Privacy in the Age of Social Media and the Pediatrician’s Role, Pediatrics (2018) (with Bahareh Keith) [Link]
Sharenting: Children’s Privacy in the Age of Social Media, 66 Emory Law Journal 839 (2017) [SSRN]
Parental Sharing on the Internet: Child Privacy in the Age of Social Media and the Pediatrician’s Role, JAMA Pediatrics (May 2017) (with Bahareh Keith) [Link]
#Advocacy: Social Media’s Power to Transform Law, 105 Kentucky Law Journal 413 (2016) [SSRN]
Where Did All the Social Workers Go? The Need to Prepare Families for Adoption, Assist Post-Adoptive Families in Crisis, and End Re-Homing,67 Florida Law Review Forum 280 (2016) [SSRN]